Baifu Sports Park is located on opposite side of Keelung City Motor Vehicles Station, which is next to Zhongshan highway. The obvious mascots on the roof of Baifu Young Lohas Club are two dolphins. Outside of the first floor is green and lush. On the right side, the view of Keelung riverside is so elegant. There are also fast food, snacks, and drinks on the first floor. The second floor is a swimming pool. The sunshine there is an idea of nature. Besides, there are also a spa, sauna, and bath area of health and wellness. The third floor is spa areas, gyms, and yoga classrooms. There are services for spa, facial, foot service, and swim training. Baifu Sports Park is the best place to combine education, sports, entertainment, health, and nature.

Baifu Sports Park (Baifu Young Lohas Club)
Attractions Map
No.259, Shijian Rd., Qidu Dist., Keelung City
Parking lot
Car park provided
Club is open time
Monday is close
Weekday 11:30-19:30
Weekend 10:00-18:00
Open space. No time limit.
The adult ticket of club is NT$180
The concession ticket of the club is NT$ 150
the park is free
Take Keelung buses 406 to Motor Vehicles Station bus stop to the park.